Caledonian Climate Partners

Caledonian Climate Partners (CCP) was founded in January 2021 and is deeply committed to tackling climate change and biodiversity decline through the long-term restoration of degraded peatlands.
Our mission is to bring together forward-thinking landholders and business leaders to tackle the climate and nature emergencies through restoring these ancient peatlands in ways that bring additional value to both the natural habitat and all other interested parties.
Our business is based on a firm commitment to high scientific standards, diligent research and an approach that emphasises fairness, inclusivity, and transparency. We are strongly committed to measuring outcomes which ensure a positive long-term impact for all stakeholders – businesses, landholders, local communities, and the flora and fauna that have made peatlands their home.
Born and based in Scotland, the team at CCP has an outstanding depth and breadth of experience in all sectors of rural land management, renewable energy, corporate sustainability and peatland restoration. We represent over 60 projects on the Peatland Code registry and aim to bring our specialist peatland insights to the Alliance.
CCP are delighted to be part of the NFCA and it’s collaborative approach to support the development of a high integrity nature investment market in the UK. There has never been a more pressing time to promote the critical value of nature to our society and ensure that it is front and centre in investors’ minds. Without nature, we are at a loss. With nature, the possibilities are vast and the NFCA is an important part of ensuring that we work together to deliver the business case for nature as clearly and persuasively as possible.