Step 6 Communication

Language used for projects should be specific enough to detail the activities involved but not include jargon. Projects should develop appropriate comms, identifying the different target audiences they plan to reach, and the range of learning and communication styles those audiences may have.

Step 6 Communication
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko / Unsplash

Communicating effectively with different audiences

Language used for projects should be specific enough to detail the activities involved but not include jargon. If technical language is necessary, a glossary of terms should be provided. Projects should develop appropriate media and communications plans, identifying the different target audiences they plan to reach, and the range of learning and communication styles those audiences may have.

Questions for Projects:

  • What channels of communication will be mosteffective with your different stakeholder groups?
  • Whatterms/phrases may need to be included in a project-specific glossary?

Resources and case studies:


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